Error when Inserting records into Iceberg tables managed by Lake Formation


Hello, I was able to create and register a new Iceberg table in my data catalog and Lake Formation using a Glue Job. I used these methods from the documentation:

# Create (equivalent to CREATE TABLE AS SELECT)
dataFrame.writeTo("glue_catalog.databaseName.tableName") \
    .tableProperty("format-version", "2") \

# Append (equivalent to INSERT INTO)
dataFrame.writeTo("glue_catalog.databaseName.tableName") \
    .tableProperty("format-version", "2") \

I used the first command to create the table and the job succeeded. I attempted to use the second command to insert additional records into the table and received this error:

 An error occurred while calling o14177.pyWriteDataFrame.\n: java.lang.RuntimeException: Failed to get vending credential from Lakeformation. please check if you have sufficient permissions on the table.

How could my glue role have access to create and register a table but not write to it? I confirmed my glue role has SUPER permission on the database and all tables in it, including this one. I've also been able to insert new records into Hudi tables that are in the catalog using the same role. I can't find this error anywhere, what am I missing?

  • Hi, where you able to find the solution?

asked 10 months ago467 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer


Usually this error occurs if the Job is unable to connect to Lakeformation service.

Would you be able to share the full error trace from the logs of your failed Glue job ? I would also recommend you to raise a support case for much closer inspection.

answered 10 months ago
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reviewed 5 months ago
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reviewed 6 months ago
  • Thanks - I'll raise a case

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