What is the rate limit when generating IoT certificates?


Our IoT project is nearly complete, but before we go live we need to generate large numbers of certificates so that we can prepare our devices for distribution. I'm using the Java API to create these via my own program and I am trying to generate them in parallel in order to save time.

I'm running into a rate limit issue. I can generate about 85 certificates before I start getting rate limit exceptions. The exceptions are coming from the "createKeysAndCertificate" method in IotClient.

What is the rate limit on this function? We would like to be able to generate batches of 1000 certificates at a time. Is this possible? Is there a different way to create large groups of certificates?


1 Answer

Hi Frank. You can find the limits here: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/general/latest/gr/iot-core.html#throttling-limits. This particular limit is adjustable.

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answered 8 months ago
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reviewed 8 months ago

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