Aurora PostgreSQL Parameter Group - Compare or Export - Upgrading from 12 to 16



We are planning on upgrading from Aurora PostgreSQL 12 to 16. We are concern about parameter group settings and will want to do a comparison of some sort. There is an option to compare custom Parameter Group but there is no option to download the result of the comparison. There is no option to export the parameter group as well so we can do the comparison offline. There is no option to compare custom and default parameter group as well. I suppose the main concern is what default values are SET on the custom parameter group. Any SQL to run whether parameters are NOT at their default values? I can't find anything on the doc that talk about it. Does anyone has a suggestion on how to do this or do we just proceed with the upgrade without having to worry about what the upgrade does? Please advise. Thanks.

1 Answer

When upgrading Aurora PostgreSQL from version 12 to 16, managing parameter group settings is indeed an important consideration. While there are some limitations in the AWS Management Console for comparing and exporting parameter groups, there are alternative approaches you can use to address your concerns.

First, it's important to note that you can compare two DB parameter groups using the AWS Management Console. However, as you've observed, there isn't a built-in option to download the comparison results or export the parameter group settings for offline comparison.

To compare a custom parameter group with a default parameter group, you'll need to use a workaround. First, select the default parameter group on the "Default" tab, then choose your custom parameter group on the "Custom" tab. This method allows you to see the differences between the two.

Regarding your main concern about identifying which parameters in your custom group are not at their default values, you can use SQL queries directly in your PostgreSQL database. Here's a SQL command you can run to show all parameter values:


This will display the current values of all parameters. To identify which parameters are not at their default values, you'll need to compare these results with the default parameter group values.

As for proceeding with the upgrade, it's generally advisable to review your parameter settings before upgrading. However, Aurora typically handles many aspects of the upgrade process automatically, including adjusting parameters as necessary for the new version.

To ensure a smooth upgrade process:

  1. Create a new custom parameter group for version 16.
  2. Review the settings in your current custom parameter group and apply any necessary customizations to the new parameter group.
  3. After the upgrade, associate the new parameter group with your upgraded cluster.

If you're still concerned about specific parameters, you can use the AWS CLI or RDS API to retrieve parameter information programmatically. This would allow you to perform more detailed comparisons or export the data for offline analysis.

Remember that some parameters might have different default values or behaviors in PostgreSQL 16 compared to 12, so it's worth reviewing the PostgreSQL documentation for any significant changes between these versions.

While the process may not be as straightforward as a simple export or comparison feature, these methods should help you manage your parameter groups effectively during the upgrade process.
Comparing DB parameter groups - Amazon Relational Database Service
DB cluster parameter groups for Amazon Aurora DB clusters - Amazon Aurora
Viewing parameter values for a DB cluster parameter group in Amazon Aurora - Amazon Aurora
Modifying parameters in a DB parameter group in Amazon Aurora - Amazon Aurora

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reviewed 10 days ago

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