the monthly expenses I'm paying


Hello, I'm working at Lotte Duty Free I'm Choi Chan-sook. I'm asking because I have a question. It's my first time working on something like this, so I hope you can explain it more easily

I'd like to know in detail the amount we're paying every month.

I wonder if the monthly payment is related to Lotte Duty Free. I was paying an average of $350 until last year, but my payment was reduced in 2024, and I'm also curious why. I look forward to hearing from you. Thank you.

Dream of Choi Chan-sook. (*****************)

*Edit: Removed phone number — Reece W.

  • please accept the answer if it was useful

asked 8 months ago243 views
2 Answers


You can navigate in console to Cost Explorer to explore your costs in past months, and what services are causing them.

On a high level, your costs go down when your usage goes down, depending on architecture this could be forexample if you get less requests to your service.

answered 8 months ago

Use Cost Explorer, Granularity - Monthly, Dimension - Service

Enter image description here

or with more details Dimension - Usage Type Enter image description here

and you can see a table Enter image description here

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answered 8 months ago
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reviewed 8 months ago

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