Restoring an EC2 Instance - the Public IP is missing


Hello All. I've successfully performed a restore of an EC2 Instance using AWS Backup, however it does not have a public IP address associated with it, it only has the private IP. I understand that when creating instances you decide whether or not to have a Public IP, however when restoring there were no options for Public IP, and so I assumed it would keep that setting.

What is the proper procedure to restore an EC2 instance and allow it to keep the Public IP setting? Or how do you assign it after the restore?

Thanks Dan

asked 2 years ago1410 views
3 Answers
Accepted Answer

Hi Dan,

The auto-assigned public IP address associated with my Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instance changes every time you stop and start the instance.

An Elastic IP address is a static public IPv4 address associated with your AWS account in a specific Region. Unlike an auto-assigned public IP address, an Elastic IP address is preserved after you stop and start your instance in a virtual private cloud (VPC).

Hope this helps

profile pictureAWS
answered 2 years ago
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reviewed 6 months ago

Thank you! This helped me now as well. Agreed with Dan, there should be some option when restoring the instance to specify the public IP setting, or a link to update the subnet settings.

answered a year ago

A little late to the party, but I have your answer.

From within AWS Backup Vault, select the instance you'd like to restore. From the Actions menu, select "Copy", then chose the same region you'd like to restore into and select "Copy" (I made a copy to the default vault for testing). From within the vault the Backup was copied into, find the AMI ID, then navigate to EC2 / AMI and locate the AMI. Select AMI and "Launch Instance from AMI". This will bring up the Launch Instance window that will allow you to configure with Public IP.

Also, if you're following AWS Security Hub, it will yell at you for not having Encrypted EBS volumes when creating backups. This would be a good opportunity to also encrypt your volumes so that any future backups you make from the new instance are also encrypted.

Hope this helps!

answered 4 months ago

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