Deleting Image Builder image with version failed saying it has a running workflow


I have created an image builder pipeline via cloud formation stack and when the pipeline is still running I terminated the EC2 instance then deleted the stack after I realized there is some configuration errors in my settings and I want to do it again. However all the resources get deleted except the "image version" resource and it is showing "building" status. Till 1 day later the status is still "building" and when I used the AWS Cli try to delete it I get the below error:

An error occurred (ResourceDependencyException) when calling the DeleteImage operation: Resource dependency error: The resource ARN 'arn:aws:imagebuilder:ap-southeast-1:XXXXX:image/amazon-linux-2-with-latest-ssm-agent/0.0.1/1' has a running workflow.

I have stopped the pipeline and there is no "running workflow". How to proceed to delete that image with versioning in such a case? Thank you.

asked 3 years ago1129 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer


As I understand, your pipeline is not getting deleted as image version is in building status with the following error when you try to delete it:

An error occurred (ResourceDependencyException) when calling the DeleteImage operation: Resource dependency error: The resource ARN 'arn:aws:imagebuilder:ap-southeast-1:XXXXX:image/amazon-linux-2-with-latest-ssm-agent/0.0.1/1' has a running workflow.

In order to troubleshoot this issue, we will need to escalate it with our internal service team. Since the error you pasted does not have your AWS Account ID, which is required in order to proceed, I suggest creating a case with us at Premium Support [1]. For immediate assistance, please feel free to open a call/chat with us and reference this re:Post thread, for an AWS Engineer to assist you.

[1] Creating support cases and case management -

answered 3 years ago
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reviewed 3 months ago
  • Hi today I am able to delete that "image build version" without any errors. I guess it there is a timeout for the image version to expire and turn from "building" to "failure" so I finally can delete the image.

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