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Extreme Timestream Delay


I'm writing to the magnetic storage of Timestream, and previously my writes were almost instantaneous. In the last two days, I've started noticing a very significant delay between writing and seeing the entries show up in the database - for example I've been waiting almost an hour now and still don't see the entries in the database. I've confirmed there are no errors on our end when writing to Timestream, and also saw a similar delay yesterday where the DB was populated after a few hours. Are there any possible causes of this on my end?

asked 2 years ago336 views
1 Answer


Writes to the magnetic store will take up to 6hrs to appear to query. This is expected behavior at the moment. Improved write-to-read latency for may often occur for the initial magnetic writes for a table. Does your use case require a write-to-read latency of < 6hrs? If so, ensuring writes target the memory store may be the best option.

More information on this can be found here:

Please let us know if you have further questions. Thank you!


answered 2 years ago

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