My website still not Secure


Hi guys, I am still kind of new to this, but I have already purchase a domain in Route 53 and created it in Hosted Zone (automatically created upon purchasing), And I have already connected it to my EC2 instance via nginx inside by creating a new record which is "" link/connect with my instance public ip. Afterward, I created a certificate for my domain via ACM and created records of it in my Hosted Zone. Yet, my website still isn't secure. Any idea what I am doing wrong? I followed this article in Medium. I heard there's a way with Load Balancer, but at the moment I don't think Load Balancer is needed since it a testing purposes.

3 Answers

If you want to use an ACM certificate to secure your website you'll need to associate it with a load balancer or CloudFront distribution, and then put that in front of your EC2 instance

Specific details about Load balancer

And CloudFront

Both of these will incur additional costs, if you want to limit your costs then consider getting a LetsEncrypt certificate and using that directly in the Nginx config on your EC2 instance (a bit out of date) as well as

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answered 24 days ago
profile pictureAWS
reviewed 23 days ago
  • Ohhh ok so I do have to use a load balancer or either i have to use a LetsEncrypt method that being mentioned in other answers. Well guess i have to use Load Balancer. But I am curious, what does the Article I shared about? it only created ACM and added into my hosted zone, that's all I could understood.

  • The article is just plain wrong, there is nothing in there that will associate an ACM certificate with your EC2 website, because it can't be done.

    The AWS services that can integrate with ACM are here

Accepted Answer

To secure, you can install a SSL/TLS cert on your EC2 Nginx server for https. On most Linux OSs, you can install certbot and python3-certbot-dns-route53, and use it to obtain LetsEncrypt TLS cert with Route53 automatically.

sudo dnf install -y certbot python3-certbot-dns-route53

Replace dnf with apt if you are on Ubuntu

Assign Route53 permission (e.g. AmazonRoute53FullAccess) to your EC2 IAM role,

Since you have already created DNS A record to your EC2 public IP, run certbot in your Linux EC2 to request and auto install TLS cert on your Nginx web server, e.g.

sudo certbot --dns-route53 --installer nginx --agree-tos -d

See screenshot below Enter image description here

If above does not work, request for cert and manually install in your Nginx, e.g. sudo certbot certonly --dns-route53 or sudo certbot certonly

answered 24 days ago


If you do not use ALB, try using Let's Encrypt, which can issue SSL certificates for free, instead of ACM.
Please refer to the following blog for information on how to issue a certificate.

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answered 24 days ago

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