Does an GetThingShadowRequest in awsiot.greengrasscoreipc.model require an internet connection back to IOTCore?


Hi, I am working on a project that uses IOT named shadows on a raspberry pi. I am wondering does an GetThingShadowRequest in awsiot.greengrasscoreipc.model require an internet connection back to AWS's IOTCore? I have deployed the shadow manager component to allow syncing back to IOTCore. So I understand that syncing will happen when connectivity is returned.

But I am wondering if the raspberry pi looses internet connectivity can my code still get and update the local named shadows?

For example, will the following code still work if my raspberry pi doesn't have internet connectivity? Or more specifically does the following code on a raspberry pi cause the request to be made back to IOTcore on AWS?

ipc_client = awsiot.greengrasscoreipc.connect()
# create the GetThingShadow request
get_thing_shadow_request = GetThingShadowRequest()

Many thanks,


asked a year ago209 views
1 Answer

The shadow manager component will automatically synchronize shadow state between the cloud and the device. It will continue to work when the device is offline, using the last synchronized state. When the device eventually gets a connection again, the shadow state will be synchronized again with the cloud state.



answered a year ago

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