Why am I seeing a domain join error when launching an already created workspace?


I am using Microsoft AD managed directory and I have checked that the bundle is not graphic or performance, so auto enable IP shouldn't affect it.

It was working fine, then when I try to relaunch I am seeing this error:

There was an issue joining the WorkSpace to your domain. Verify that your service account is allowed to complete domain join operations. If you continue to see an issue, contact AWS Support.

Launch bundle is Power with Windows 10 and Office 2016 Pro Plus (Server 2016 based) (PCoIP) Could it be that my root user has added too many Workspaces to the domain? As we are currently only using one account and doing it manually...


2 Answers

Hello there,

Could you please elaborate on what you mean by when launching an already created workspace? The error message you posted is usually seen when launching/creating a new Workspace from the Workspaces bundle. When you create a Workspace in AWS Managed AD which is directly registered with Workspaces service, you should not get error related to service account. Are you using AD connector pointing to the AWS Managed AD domain?

answered a year ago
  • So, I have a workspace created already (for example last user active is populated with a date in April) however we decided to rebuild the workspace as it stopped.

    Now, every time I try to rebuild I see this error. No, the only Directory Service I have set up is Microsoft Managed AD, which was set up in 2018. We are doing all this with a root account, could this be the issue?

  • Is the issue intermittent or consistent? Are you able to launch new Workspaces in the same directory. You will need to open a support case for further assistance on this as we will need to review logs from the backend.

  • The issue is consistent when trying to rebuild this particular workspace, however I am able to create new ones. I have seen this issue before and it magically started working. Is there a way we can see logs? Its frustrating that things randomly break and we cannot debug without contacting support, we also only have basic support.


  • @Mayank_J I am seeing this issue again when creating completely new workspaces - is there a way to view logs for this? If so, can you please elaborate on how to view them?


Check that the AD service account's password didn't expire

answered a year ago
  • When using AWS Managed AD you don't need to specify any service account. It uses a reserved service account created by the directory service itself for domain join and customers do not have access to that account.

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