Got error when running VACUUM to removed expired files for iceberg in Athena


Error message: ICEBERG_VACUUM_MORE_RUNS_NEEDED: Removed 1000 files in this round of vacuum, but there are more files remaining. Please run another VACUUM command to process the remaining files

How can I run VACUUM to delete more files, or event all expired files?

asked a year ago563 views
3 Answers

You can either run a step function in loops in order to VACUUM again and again ( or you can run a Spark job that expires snapshots and remove orphan files:

answered a year ago
  • Are you sure that looping step function is working, I tried with same but still I am getting same error.


It would be amazing to get an answer from AWS about this topic.

answered a year ago

At every 30 minutes it saying "ICEBERG_VACUUM_MORE_RUNS_NEEDED: Removed 20000 files in this round of vacuum" but when I calculate the my table metadata size it didn't changed before and after the vacuum run. Can anyone tell me what to do ?. we have metadata size around 4.5 gb in icerberg table

answered 6 months ago

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