Access VPC Opensearch from Internet | Without nginx proxy | required AWS managed Service based solution


I am looking for a aws managed solution to redirect internet users to VPC based opensearch kibana dashboard.

I have tried with App. Loadbalancer & IP based target group pointed to Opensearch ENI's private ip. And used Lambda & Cloudwatch event to keep monitor on ip change and update the target group ip's. It worked.

However, Is there any other solution available in AWS which is highly available and redirect internet users to Opensearch kibana endpoint.

3 Answers

Can't it be OpenSearch set up for public access?

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answered 2 years ago

For internet user to access VPC based opensearch we did the following

  1. created alb in public subnet
  2. create r53 cname mapping with alb
  3. Create target group with IP based
  4. using event bridge (createNetworkInterface & DeleteNetworkInterface) & lambda(python) we were able to query the ENI's and update the IP's in Target group.

With the above approach internet users able to access the vpc based opensearch

answered 2 years ago

Can you elaborate your solution here? were you able to automate this approach? specifically the Listeners and rules that need to be setup, what health checks need to setup in TG?

answered a year ago

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