How to skip initial intent for Amazon Lex in Amazon Connect?


I have an Amazon Lex bot that requires a "Help" intent before it presents a Quick Reply menu. Is it possible to directly go to the Quick Reply menu?

What I've tried:

I have tried calling RecognizeUtterance, RecognizeText and PutSession using $.ContactId as session id in a lambda before my GetCustomerInput block in the Amazon Connect flow, but none of them seems to change the bot's state.

The answer here does not work:

When calling RecognizeText, it'll return something like this:

messages: [ { content: '{"templateType":"QuickReply","version":"1.0","data":{"content":{"title":"Choose item:","elements":[{"title":"Option A"},{"title":"Option B"},{"title":"Option C"}]}}}', contentType: 'CustomPayload' } ]

The content when used in GetCustomerInput block displays as a json instead of displaying as a quick reply in amazon connect.

2 Answers


Unfortunately it is not possible to skip the get-customer-input to in-turn skip the initial intent for the Lex Bot in Amazon Connect, and the input needs to be sent from the caller end so that it can be passed to Lex Bot via Contact flow.

In addition to that, to ensure that you have setup for quick-reply responses correctly, kindly confirm if you have followed the steps mentioned in the blog here [1].

I hope this helps, however, please feel free to reach out using a Support case, should you want to share additional details about the setup on your end.


answered a month ago
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reviewed a month ago

This is a common ask and is being worked on. For now you could look at using step-by-step guides in a contact flow to present the initial options as buttons. Once an option has been selected you could push that to the Lex-bot using the API.

profile pictureAWS
answered a month ago
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reviewed a month ago

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