How can i publish to a topic in iot core using lambda function?


Hey, i can invoke a lambda function from iot core, but can i trigger a lambda function that can publish to a topic in my iot core endpoint? If i subscribe to this topic in MQTT test client, i should receive the data from the lambda function? Is it possible? Please share the code.

asked a year ago1670 views
1 Answer


You can leverage sdk to publish payloads towards a iot core topic.

See below example (

const iotData = new AWS.IotData({
      endpoint: '', // IoTEndpoint
      credentials: remoteCredentials

    const data = await iotData.publish({
      topic: `topicfilter/data/clientId`,
      payload: JSON.stringify({event: 'something'}),
      qos: 1


Hope it helps ;)

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answered a year ago
  • hey, can you provide the whole code, and how can i get the credentials and what permission or policies do i need to apply? Thank you so much

  • Updated answer with code reference + documentation ;)

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