AWS's elastic IP address is not accessible from cURL request from Specific Domain, but accessible from localhost & postman. Unblock IP/domain in EC2


I already have a website [in PHP] on shared hosting [on other hosting provider]. Because of ffmpeg service not available on shared hosting, I am using AWS's elastic IP [ec2] to create an API which returns data in json format [via cURL]. That API returns when hit from localhost & postman but not from my live website. I believe that AWS service blocked either IP or domain. So where can I find a place where blocked IP address list is present. or the real cause is something else?

asked a month ago50 views
1 Answer


For example, if the IP address is not allowed in the EC2 security group or subnet network ACL, it will be blocked.
Also, if you are using ALB etc. and have configured AWS WAF to block IP addresses, it will also be blocked.
I have never heard of AWS automatically blocking something even though nothing is configured.
It is possible that AWS is blocking it internally, but in that case, there is nothing the user can do about it, so I think you will need to open a case with AWS Support under "Account and billing".
Inquiries under "Account and billing" can be made free of charge.

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answered a month ago

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