Cloud Shell cannot create environment



I just got AWS and I'm trying as my root user and created user with admin and Cloud shell privileges.

4 Answers

Few things to check for such issue -

Time Synchronization: Make sure Your machine time is accurate. It means its correct based on world time. did you try from another machine to see if its working there? may be any time sync related issue?

Check in different regions..

check AWSCloudShellFullAccess policy to ensure it has below JSON data.

{ "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Action": [ "cloudshell:" ], "Effect": "Allow", "Resource": "" } ] } Check in different browser to see if it works in different browser or not.

Did you deleted cloudshell home directory or something? Try after resetting home directory. But it can DELETE all your data exists in home directory.

check if any DENY policy created for it. remove that.

It is possible your account is not 100% verified. Try this: Create a CloudFront distribution if you get the below error it confirms your account is unverified or if you can create 2 distributions and can't create the 3rd one.

answered 2 years ago

Did the the list this is not the fix. I won't create a distribution as I don't know what I am doing.

answered 2 years ago

The possible reason is user permission inappropriate. It is recommended that you first create an Admin level user from IAM console whom policy is "AdministratorAccess", and then log in with this user to start the cloudshell on the console.

answered 2 years ago

I did it as Root user

answered 2 years ago

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