Has anyone experienced their ACCOUNT BEING HACKED and CHARGED for it by AWS? I experienced a major breech, and suddenly got a bill for over $18,000!!! I was reassured by AWS the entire time that I will not be paying this while spending HOURS following all their steps for securing my account, only to be sent an email MONTHS later that I need to pay over $4,000. I am in total shock over this, and wondering if anyone has experienced something similar - what did you do?

asked 2 years ago375 views
2 Answers


I sincerely apologize for the frustration this situation has caused. If you have an open support case regarding the account compromise I encourage you to continue working with our Support team through that case as we're unable to discuss account/case specifics on re:Post. You can also respond to the most recent email you've received from our Support Team.

If you'd like to speak to someone directly you can always request a call by updating the Contact Option of your case. If you Select Chat you will be able to connect with a Support Agent through chat. If you select Phone, you will be able to speak with someone on the phone. You can find the details here:


— Lex D.

answered 2 years ago

This is the way AWS earning money. How can hacker so easy to hack into AWS? or the AWS is really go easy yo get hack? think yourself

answered 2 years ago

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