DynamoDB ListExports fails to validate NextToken


I am attempting to list all of the exports from my DynamoDB table. When I attempt to use the NextToken to retrieve the next page of exports it fails to validate the token giving me this error

botocore.exceptions.ClientError: An error occurred (ValidationException) when calling the ListExports operation: Invalid Request: 1 validation error detected: Value ***** at 'nextToken' failed to satisfy constraint: Member must have length less than or equal to 656

This only occurs after 10 exports have been returned. For example, if I change the MaxResults to 2 it will return the next page until I get to the 10th export. Then the NextToken will be of length 848 and fail to validate. I believe this is an issue on AWS's side. Can you please help?

asked 2 months ago491 views
1 Answer

The error message indicates that the NextToken must have a length less than or equal to 656 characters. After the 10th export, the NextToken exceeds this limit (with a length of 848) and fails validation. Review your pagination strategy and ensure it correctly handles the NextToken.

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answered 2 months ago
  • There is no issue from a code perspective. The NextToken being return is of length 848. I do not control that. I believe this may be an issue on AWS's end. If the pagination strategy is correct what other issues could it be?

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