Amazon SES e-mails ending in Yahoo & Hotmail Spam folders, even though SPF and SenderID and DKIM are set correctly


Hello all, I really get fustrated by this issue. My e-mails sendt from my app are ending in Yahoo & Hotmail Spam folders, but not in gmail (at least most of the time). I followed the AWS SES guide to add my domain, add DKIM, SPF, added custom from adress and did thee verification for that too. Everything is perfect. When I send emails to clients, specially yahoo & hotmail, they either bounce and the email gets added to my suppression list, or the email goes and land in spam. I thought I missed my config somewhere so I checked my config on tools like: Which all told me that my config is 10/10 I have this domain for more than 6 months. I just launched my app but all the users complain nor receiving the email on signup which is quite annoying. I really dont know what to do at this stage. I checked all the AWS guides for email authentication and they are done. but still...HELP

asked a year ago459 views
1 Answer

Hi, I would strongly suggest you to read in details and follow the guidance of the following links.

Applying them help avoiding ending up in spam folder,

In particular, setting up the suggested notifications (see helps in fixing issues before they get too acute because you can get notified early.

profile pictureAWS
answered a year ago

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