S3: Can't change storage class


Pleas, help me!

Bucket: s3://*//

Current object Class: Glacier Flexible Retrieval (formerly Glacier)

Need to change object class to Standard.

  1. Through the www ERROR: Automatically canceled After 10,000 failed edits, the S3 console automatically cancels the edit storage class action for the remaining objects. For more information, see the Error column in the Failed to edit table below.

  2. CLI: aws s3 cp s3://// s3://// --storage-class STANDARD --recursive --force-glacier-transfer

ERROR: copy failed: s3:////0_DGroup_all/111/Alina.psd to s3:////0_DGroup_all/111/Alina.psd An error occurred (InvalidObjectState) when calling the CopyObject operation: Operation is not valid for the source object's storage class ...... ...... ......

  1. Change object class via www interface: Actions -- Initiate Restor To no avail, nothing happens.

Please, help me

asked 3 years ago3907 views
1 Answer


It is not possible to copy an S3 object direct from glacier without first restoring the object. It is likely that the object has either not been restored or still-yet-to-complete restore from glacier hence the copy error.

Upon successful restore, the temporary object can be accessed or copied (using aws s3 cp / aws s3 sync and similar) While there temporary restore object is available, the object will still show it is in Glacier storage class but you can copy it prior to the temporary object expiry.

See "How can I restore an Amazon S3 object from the S3 Glacier or S3 Glacier Deep Archive storage class using the AWS CLI?" https://aws.amazon.com/premiumsupport/knowledge-center/restore-s3-object-glacier-storage-class/

answered 3 years ago

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