Possible to have MediaLive schedule loop?


I have a MediaLive stream working. It's using a series of VOD mp4s. This works fine for the initial stream. However, I'm having issues trying to re-use the schedule and/or create a loop of it.

As far as I can see, there's no way to just tell the schedule to restart from the beginning - correct? (even though the initial action is "immediate" and not "fixed")

I tried to hack it by manually deleting and re-adding the schedule at the end of the initial run. However, this doesn't work as the pipeline seems to pick up where it left off. This is even after I've deleted the initial schedule and re-added all the start items as new "creates" (using the CLI and JSON).

Any ideas?


asked 9 months ago315 views
2 Answers
Accepted Answer


Have you considered the use of MediaTailor - Channel Assembly for your workflow? It seems you are trying to do a 24/7 Live stream based on VOD assets and if that is the case then you can use MediaTailor - Channel Assembly that will be cheaper compared to Medialive.

Instructions for Channel Assembly can be found here:

https://docs.aws.amazon.com/mediatailor/latest/ug/channel-assembly.html, https://docs.aws.amazon.com/mediatailor/latest/ug/channel-assembly-getting-started.html, https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/how-to-use-channel-assembly-with-aws-elemental-mediatailor-to-launch-virtual-channels-from-existing-sources/

to answer your question... You would have to continue to add scheduled actions into your schedule to perform the loop of the initial schedule. The schedule can contain a maximum of 1500 actions. You can't change this maximum.


answered 9 months ago

Thanks! I found mediatailor after posting this. I have indeed set that up. The only downside there was having to stand up a whole mediaencoder flow to convert my source videos for use w/ mediatailor.

Combine some the functionality from both live and tailor and it would be the perfect solution. As it is, this serves my purposes for the time being.

Thanks again for the prompt response!

answered 9 months ago

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