AWS advertising phone calls - how to disable them


Hi I get around once a month a phone call from AWS telling me about special offers I could activate within my AWS running. Is there a way to block all advertising phone calls from AWS? I do not want to be harassed over the phone because I have a AWS account I hope this is understandable.

There is a robot voice which tells me if I want to enable offer xy I gotta do something. I can't tell exactly what the voice is telling because I end the phone call normally in 2-3 seconds because I don't care. It's not a informational call that's something wrong with my payment or similar it's a marketing phone call if I want to enable offer xyz...

Does anyone know where I can disable all marketing phone calls regarding AWS?

Kind regards, IT-Freak

  • I suspect those are not legitimate calls.

  • +1 - I would flag those calls with your telephone carrier.

asked 5 months ago223 views
3 Answers
Accepted Answer


This is the first I am hearing about such AWS marketing phone calls and like the others stated doubt their legitimacy. However, any genuine AWS communications should also have information about how to unsubscribe from them - hence, could you perhaps listen through till the end of a phone call and check if any such information is provided? Though please be wary of following through on any such steps without verifying the actions are being taken on official AWS channels.

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answered 5 months ago
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reviewed 4 months ago

it’s a good idea to check if these calls are genuinely from AWS. Unfortunately, scammers sometimes impersonate service providers. If the calls persist, verify their legitimacy by contacting AWS support through official channels.

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answered 5 months ago
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reviewed 5 months ago

The weird thing is I got my first call from them after I registered with my phone number my AWS account, so I thought it was legit. This was the 2. or 3. call I got from them. I normally block instead the number but they call always with a different number with prefix Italy where I do live. Next time I'll hear a bit longer and tell what exactly do they want from me.

Thanks your your patience and your help, kind regards IT-Freak

answered 5 months ago

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