Oracle database Migration on Postgresql


Hi Team,

I have databases running on Oracle,,, and want to migrate them either on PostgreSQL or aurora PostgreSQL. I just wanted to check if DMS/SCT is compatible with legacy version of oracle database. If yes, what version of PostgreSQL we can use to migrate the oracle 10g,11g and 12c databases. If DMS/SCT is not compatible with oracle legacy version, then Can I create EC2 instance on AWS and install lower (Please suggest the version) version of PostgreSQL and migrate the legacy oracle database using ora2pg.

Is there any documentation or Matrix someone can provide which explain the compatibility between oracle and PostgreSQL versions.

Please suggest.

Thanks Harsimran

1 Answer


I believe you can use Oracle 10.2 or later as a source endpoint for AWS DMS.

Oracle versions 10.2 and higher (for versions 10.x), 11g and up to 12.2, 18c, and 19c for the Enterprise, Standard, Standard One, and Standard Two editions

It seems that SCT version 10.2 or later can be used, so I don't think there will be any problems.

Oracle version 10.2 and higher, 11g and up to 12.2, 18c, and 19c, and Oracle Data Warehouse

For RDS PostgreSQL, I think versions 10.x and later can be used as targets.

PostgreSQL version 10.x, 11.x, 12.x, 13.x, 14.x, 15.x, and 16.x.

In this case, schema conversion is required, so I think you should select version 14.x or later.

Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL 14.x

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reviewed 23 days ago

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