What is the nested function call syntax for IoT Rule Engine's SQL?


I want to republish messages from a topic to another.

When there's a message on topic: node/node_id
it should resolve this expression:
user/get(${aws_lambda("arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:1234567890:function:GetUserIDsForNode", {"data":{"node_id":"topic(2)"}} )}, 0)
To give me something like: user/<user_id>

It has 3 levels of nesting: get contains a aws_lambda call, which in-turn contains a topic call.

The issue is that it currently resolves the aws_lambda function, but not the rest. As they are not wrapped in ${}.
But when I wrap the other functions, like:
user/${get(${aws_lambda("arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:1234567890:function:GetUserIDsForNode", {"data":{"node_id":"${topic(2)}"}} )}, 0)}

The SQL is apparently problematic. It complains:

Unexpected character '$' ${aws_lambda("arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:1234567890:function:GetUserIDsForNode", {"data":{"node_id":"${topic(2)}"}} )}, 0)}/params ----^ at 1:5

When I use:
user/get(${aws_lambda("arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:1234567890:function:GetUserIDsForNode", {"data":{"node_id":"${topic(2)}"}} )}, 0).
and print the data payload inside the Lambda, I see that the node_id field is not resolved, it says:

    "data": {
        "node_id": "${topic(2)}"

So this time it does not complain about nesting, but it does not resolve to the actual value either.

What is the syntax for nested SQL function calls?

asked 6 days ago27 views
2 Answers


there are several things that may go wrong :)

First of all, make sure the sintax is ok.

user/${get(${aws_lambda("arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:1234567890:function:GetUserIDsForNode", {"data":{"node_id":"${topic(2)}"}})}, 0)}

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answered 5 days ago
  • Hey I tried that. But I get this again: Resource handler returned message: "Unexpected character '$' ${aws_lambda("arn:aws:lambda:us-east- 1:1234567890:function:GetUserIDsForNode", {"data":{"node_id":"${topic(2)}"}})}, 0)} ----^ at 1:5

    I also added select beside the inner function calls, because this expression is technically supposed to be a SELECT clause.
    But that didn't work either.


Turns out this is one of those things where I had to get out of my own way.

There's no need to think about how many places I have to add ${}.
The trick was to build a complete SELECT clause first (like a normal SQL statement), which means forgetting the ${} part.

For me that looked like:
SELECT get(aws_lambda("LambdaARN", { "data":{"node_id": topic(2) }}), 0)

THEN removing the SELECT and wrap the ${} only around this:
${get(aws_lambda("LambdaARN", { "data":{"node_id": topic(2) }}), 0)}

Finally I could add any other string literals I wanted around it:
user/${get(aws_lambda("LambdaARN", { "data":{"node_id": topic(2) }}), 0)}

And that worked!

answered 4 days ago
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reviewed 4 days ago

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