Tableau Desktop to Redshift


A customer is trying to connect from Tableau Desktop to Redshift. They are opening the inbound rule to the specific IP address where the Tableau Desktop is running, but if they change locations they would need to go back in and change the IP address. Is there a better way to ensure connectivity between Tableau Desktop to Redshift while also making sure its secure?

asked 4 years ago559 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer

Based on my understanding of the question its just an issue caused by changing of IP when switching to VPN in home network. For this use case the customer can possibly consider the below workarounds. Also

  1. Instead of installing Tableau desktop on user desktop it can be installed on a Virtual Machine or a EC2 instance and they use that instance for connection to DB.

  2. Rather than opening a single user IP you can allow the user IP and also VPN IP range for the company. This is little less secure as it opens the database to any user within the organization.

answered 4 years ago

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