Sharing resources from child account to organization


I am aiming to setup an infrastructure child account in our org to share a transit gateway with aims to move from control tower nat gateway. I have configured through the management account the enabling of shared resources in resource manager for the org, however when I try to create the share in the child account for the rest of the org, I get an error that the org cannot be found as a principal.

If there is a better way to do this I am open to suggestions!

1 Answer

It can be solved using Resource Access Manager. Ensure that the user or role attempting to create the share in the child account has the necessary permissions. The user/role should have the ram:CreateResourceShare and ram:AssociateResourceShare permissions. Also make sure that the Resource Manager service is properly enabled and configured in the child account. The child account should have the service-linked role created.

profile pictureAWS
answered 5 months ago

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