I would like to know easy way to start from the first line of log for the code-build execution (either in code-build console or cloudwatch-log console)



I would like to know easy way to start from the first line of log for the code-build execution (either in code-build console or cloudwatch-log console)

My case, I had run the code-build, there are loads of logs (probably 100 of clicks on show previous logs, might take me to the first line of log, alternative clicking on view entire log, takes me to cloudwatch log, still no good way to go the first line of log for this loggroup (code-build execution)

Thanks Ajay Kasam

1 Answer

Hello Ajay,

In CodeBuild, the build logs first show the last 1000 lines of log and you can click the "show previous logs" up to the last 10,000 lines.

A quick way to view the logs starting from the beginning is to use the "--start-from-head" option of the get-log-events CLI command. This would return the earliest log events first. You may also use subscription filters to view the log events in real time, see How do I retrieve log data from CloudWatch Logs for additional information.

answered 2 years ago

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