GreenGrass Proxy


I know a GreenGrass device can proxy manage IoT devices connected to it and not require IoT devices to have internet connectivity. The question came up, can a GreenGrass device proxy manage other downstream GreenGrass devices such that the downstream devices do not need internet connectivity? It would have to proxy container images to the downstream GreenGrass device as well.

In a nutshell if it’s possible to proxy Greengrass off of another Greengrass device?

asked 2 years ago325 views
1 Answer

Greengrass does not provide anything to act as a proxy for downloading Docker images (or indeed doing anything else). You can certainly create and deploy an http proxy such as Squid as a Greengrass component to the Greengrass core which has internet connectivity. Then, configure the Greengrass devices that can connect to the "gateway" Greengrass device to use the gateway device as a http proxy. In this way Greengrass devices which do not have direct internet access can instead access the internet through the gateway device.



answered 2 years ago

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