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I am trying to use a custom view in Amazon Connect, but it's not showing in the Agent Workspace.


I started simple and created a view with a text box with static text, then saved and published. Then I created a flow that enabled logging, added show view block and set the view, then set a working queue and transferred to queue. This should display the text box in the agent workspace, but nothing shows up.

For permissions I have default Agent and I addedView and Edit under Channels and Flows > Views.

I have tried setting the templates as well, but nothing shows up and tested in both Agent and Admin Workspaces. When I add the customer profiles permission that data appears, but not this view. What is missing?

asked a year ago1.3K views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer

To launch a step by step guide that you build, you first have to save that as a separate flow by itself (no set working queue, xfer to queue, etc). All it should have are the Show View blocks going from one view to another. (you can add Set Logging for troubleshooting and execute Invoke Lambda inbetween as well)

In the flow where you attach to the phone number where you would set working queue and xfer to queue. Prior to xfer, you use the Set Event Flow (choose DefaultFlowForAgentUI as the event hook) to choose the step by step guide Contact Flow that you build from the drop down.

This is documented here:

profile pictureAWS
answered a year ago
profile picture
reviewed 6 months ago
profile pictureAWS
reviewed a year ago
  • Ah, that makes sense. I created the separate flow and transferred to it, but didn't use the Set Event Flow. Muuuuccch better. Thank You!

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