how to set a lambda quote template to the previous default of 1000


It seems like the recent switch to as-needed provisioned concurrency left a lot of loose ends. The thing I am dealing with currently is that in addition to having to wait for support to approve my single-tenant customers for 1000 reserved concurrency, I also have no way of requesting just 1000 via an organization template. The minimum you can request is 1001.

Is there a way to set the requested reserved concurrency for new accounts in my organization to 1000?

asked a year ago216 views
1 Answer


just to avoid any confusion, reserved concurrency is the maximum number of concurrent instances you want to allocate to your function. When a function has reserved concurrency, no other function can use that concurrency.

Every account has a default limit of 1000 concurrent executions, see AWS Lambda limits. This means you can set the reserved concurrency to at most 900 as you can reserve up to the unreserved account concurrency value minus 100, see concurrency configuration.

So, in order to set the function reserved concurrency to 1000, you will to increase the account concurrency to 1100. See this post on how to increase the limits.

profile pictureAWS
answered a year ago
  • Hi Ben,

    Every account has a default limit of 1000 concurrent executions

    I wish that were still the case but sadly this is not true any more. Most new accounts now get 10 default reserved concurrent executions. I am not sure if that is documented anywhere but unfortunately when creating new accounts this is what is happening in practice. Some searching around this forum should confirm what I am saying.

    Best, Dave

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