Invoke lamda async from Aurora PostgreSQL


A customer has setup Aurora PostgreSQL and any time a CDC occurs they need to trigger lambda function. e.g like in this Blog

However there doesnt seem to invoke lambda from PostgreSQL..?

If there's none, how else have any of your customers accomplished this requirement?

asked 4 years ago1242 views
2 Answers
Accepted Answer

Calling Lambda from Aurora PostgreSQL is not yet supported. Rather than calling a lambda function in a trigger, you can consider consuming the change stream from PostgreSQL in a lambda function. See:

Think about the architecture and volume. Do they want to see every change, or only changes on a certain table?

How many changes per minute are they expecting?

If they are looking for the all changes or a high volume of changes, they may prefer using a small EC2 instance and a CDC tool like Debezium which can consume CDC records from PostgreSQL and publish to various targets. See: or:

answered 4 years ago
Accepted Answer
profile pictureAWS
answered 4 years ago

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