Feature Request: Import WebSocketAPI definition from AsyncAPI specification


Our company absolutely loves that we can manage REST API definitions in API Gateway from OAS3 specifications and the API Gateway extensions, and this is exclusively how we develop, document, and rollout changes to our API definitions...with the exception of our WebSocket APIs.

Our company has been using the AsyncAPI specification for our documentation purposes (https://www.asyncapi.com/docs/specifications/1.2.0/), and would love if we could create and update our Websocket API definitions from this specification as well as any necessary API Gateway extensions (or another asynchronous API specification that AWS finds worthy).

asked 5 years ago406 views
2 Answers

Supporting API Specification for WebSocket API is definitely in our roadmap, and Async API is a strong candidate (and its 2.0 will come out soon).

answered 5 years ago

Awesome, I will keep an eye out for this update.

answered 5 years ago

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