Loss of data from SQS FIFO queue


We have a FIFO Queue added as a trigger to lambda (consumer lambda) for processing 7000 records in order. The Issue is that some random messages are getting lost and not received at the consumer lambda's end. There is no log trace for the any error and no entries in the DLQ for the respective lost messages. If I reduce the input records to 3000 then this issues doesn't appear and each message is received in consumer lambda.

================================ Lambda configuration: Memory 4096MB Ephemeral storage 512MB Timeout 0min30sec

Queue configuration are default: Maximum message size 256 KB Message retention period 4 Days Default visibility timeout 5 Minutes Messages available 0 Delivery delay 0 Seconds Messages in flight (not available to other consumers) 0 Receive message wait time 10 Seconds Messages delayed 0 Content-based deduplication Disabled High throughput FIFO Disabled Deduplication scope Queue FIFO throughput limit Per queue

  • Could you give your Lambda Function concurrency and Unreserved account concurrency limit ? You can find this information in the Configuration > Concurrency tab of your consumer Lambda

1 Answer


The AWS Lambda function can be triggered with multiple messages from the Amazon SQS queue (unless the Batch Size is set to zero in the Trigger configuration).

The Lambda function should loop through each record that is passed in the event parameter, for example:

exports.handler = async function(event, context) {
  event.Records.forEach(record => {
    const { body } = record;
  return {};

So, is Batch Size set to 0 in your case? See https://docs.aws.amazon.com/lambda/latest/dg/with-sqs.html for details about batch size



profile pictureAWS
answered a year ago
  • Hi, Batch size is set to 1, hence we dont need loop in our consumer lambda.

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