Amazon SES product access denied


Hi, I have applied for SES to be out of sandbox. My production access is denied. Here is the case number: 171274330900651

I have done the entire process and my domain and email are both verified. I have also added SNS to manage bounce and complains. I am using Fluent CRM to manage these which is a highly rated plugin for wordpress. I need this plugin to scale my business. Can someone please help me what I am doing wrong as they have not explained me the reasons.

Thanks, Kunal

2 Answers

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answered 6 months ago

With the information you provided, it's impossible to answer the question. You should continue asking within the case id you've created with support. They're best able to answer your question.

But do review the documentation for how to request SES to be set out of sandbox at

Fairly sure you've just made a mistake in your request, cause any valid usecase would get approved.

answered 6 months ago

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