Lambda get IOT core things list


I need to check in a lambda function if a thing (named X) is actually configured. I was thinking on a function like listIotThings and check if X is contained in there.

The use case is to register a device in a mobile app, but should only be allowed if the thing is actually configured. So I go from the mobile app -> API Gateway -> lambda verification.

Any suggestion welcome.

1 Answer

You can always use iot with boto 3 and use list_things(**kwargs). Use the attributeName and attributeValue parameters to filter your things. For example, calling ListThings with attributeName=Color and attributeValue=Red retrieves all things in the registry that contain an attribute Color with the value Red . You can also pass thingTypeName (string) -- The name of the thing type used to search for things. It will return along with other attributes like thingArn which you can verify.

profile pictureAWS
answered 2 years ago

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