Exam Revoked After PASSING - Bad Experience with PSI Online (AWS Solution Architect Associate Exam)


I want to report an extremely bad experience giving the AWS Solution Architect Associate (SAA-C02) exam on 01/22/2022. Apologies if this is not the right place to post this experience as I did not find any other forum to post exam-related experiences.

I appeared for AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate (CONFIRMATION NUMBER: G81923108) on 01/22/2022. I was able to start the exam after 30 minutes of struggle in getting the PSI software loaded and working. I followed all the guidelines and requirements of the proctor and gave my full 130-minute attention to the exam. After completing the exam, I submitted the exam for the result and was very happy to see the screen "Grade: PASS. Congratulation! You have successfully passed the AWS Certified Solutions Architect .... Within 5 business days, you will receive an email stating your exam result ......" After that, I thought that the exam is now over, as I sat for another 30 seconds and did not see any notification from Proctor or any other dialog on the PASS result screen. I took the photo of the screen from my mobile to keep it for my records so that I don't lose my result and have proof. Right then I saw a screen stating your exam is terminated due to a violation of taking photos and within 10 seconds screen closed.

I called PSI and explained the matter that I completed the exam and saw the result on the screen as "PASS". Only after that, I take the picture. They opened a ticket but says you need to contact AWS for resolution.

This is a very frustrating situation as after 9 days, today 02/01, and I gave exam on 01/22, there is no update on the AWS certification page and also no update on the PSI website related to the result. It's not acceptable for AWS/PSI to make candidates suffer and lose belief in the certification process.

4 Answers

Hi there,

I’m sorry to hear of this frustration.

Our Training & Certification support team will gladly assist you with this.

Please reach out, providing as many details as possible, here: http://go.aws/contact-training.

  • AWS Support - Randi
answered 3 years ago
  • Hi,

    I have raised ticket #9533957511 on 01/26/2022 with the Training And Certification team. As per their latest comment received from PSI "I've received an update from the team that "Please allow us a few more days. You will be notified of your score by email as soon as possible. We apologize for the delay. "

    However, this is more than 8 days, and it is difficult to understand that system is having issues for 8 days?


Almost 18 days now and counting. Very frustrating that I could not find any resolution either from AWS or PSI both. I have asked them repeatedly to confirm why after passing an exam and seeing a pass screen, still my exam is revoked (why taking a photo after passing an exam is an issue)

answered 3 years ago

AWS-User-5010890, I hope you were able to contact the training and certification team at http://go.aws/contact-training. Please let us know if this answers your question. If this solved your issue, please remember to click on the "Accept" button to let the community know that your question is resolved. This helps everyone. Thank you in advance.

profile picture
answered 3 years ago

HI Floks,

Any update on this, how it would be resolved ?

answered 2 years ago

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