Unable to upgrade OS on EC2 Apple silicon Mac


Ref. Update the operating system and software on Mac instances

Attempting to set the password for the aws-managed-user as described in the above document is failing:

sudo /usr/bin/dscl . -passwd /Users/aws-managed-user <password>

passwd: DS error: eDSServiceUnavailable.

<dscl_cmd> DS Error: -14487 (eDSServiceUnavailable)

sudo passwd aws-managed-user

passwd: Credentials could not be verified, user name or password is invalid. Credentials could not be verified, user name or password is invalid.

Changing the (blank?) password is mandatory in order to proceed with the rest of the upgrade instructions.

Would appreciate input on how to resolve.


asked 21 days ago108 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer

These issues was caused due to possible user error in launching the instance as a mac2-m2.metal instance from a mac2.metal AMI and placing it on a mac2-m2 dedicated host.

The reported issues no longer occur when the instance is launched as a mac2.metal instance and placed on a mac2 dedicated host.

answered 19 days ago
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reviewed 18 days ago
profile pictureAWS
reviewed 18 days ago

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