Provide a payload greater than 256kb for step function http task


I want to use the newish StepFunction HTTP Task. My problem is that it requires the http body as a task input. In my use case this body can be greater than 256kb and hence goes into the task max. limit. In my current approach I use the claim-check-pattern and store the larger payload in S3, pass the reference and hydrate it in a lambda task and send the http request manually through axios. As I want to take advantage of the event bridge connection this solution is not great and that's why I would love to use the sfn http task with larger payloads.

Is this possible somehow?

asked 2 months ago560 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer

Today, the solution that you're using is the best way to do what you need. S3 is not the only storage solution you could use but it is the one that I'd recommend in any case.

If you are chatting with your local AWS Solutions Architect, mention to them that larger payloads for Step Functions would be handy - we are always looking for feedback about our services.

That said: What would happen if we raised the limit to (say) 512kB? When you start to exceed that you might want the limit raised again. At which point do we say "no" such that you need to rearchitect? There will always be a hard limit somewhere and limits are generally set so as to protect you, the service and other customers while offering an experience which is performant and as cost effective as possible.

As above - you're doing what we recommend so continue to do that.

profile pictureAWS
answered 2 months ago
profile pictureAWS
reviewed 2 months ago

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