Glue Crawlers is error with Connector MongoDB


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We try to set up Glue connect MongoDB with Glue Connector

We get Error Message but The Message is not clear enough for Fixing it. Enter image description here

Could you guide us how to fix the error that we got and Hint us about where we can get more error detail in future?

Thank you

  • With "Internal errors" all you can do is open a support ticket and provide the run id (you can find it in the details page)

asked a year ago292 views
1 Answer

When encountering an error with the Glue Crawler while using the Glue Connector for MongoDB, there are a few steps you can take to troubleshoot and gather more information:

Review the Error Message: Although the error message might not provide enough detail, it can still give you some hints about the issue. Look for any specific error codes or error descriptions in the message. These can sometimes indicate the underlying problem.

Check the AWS Glue Console Logs: In the AWS Glue console, navigate to the Crawler that encountered the error. Under the "Logs" tab, you can find the logs related to the crawler run. Review the logs for any additional error messages or stack traces that can help pinpoint the issue. Look for any specific error codes or error messages that might provide more context.

Enable Detailed Logging: In the Glue Crawler settings, you can enable detailed logging to capture more information about the crawler run. This can be done by adjusting the "Crawler's log level" setting to a more detailed level. By enabling detailed logging, you might get more specific error messages or additional information that can aid in troubleshooting.

Glue CloudWatch Logs: AWS Glue logs can also be sent to CloudWatch Logs. You can navigate to the CloudWatch service and search for the Glue logs based on the log group associated with your crawler. This can provide more detailed information about the error and help identify the root cause.

AWS Glue and Glue Connector Documentation: Refer to the official AWS Glue documentation and the Glue Connector documentation specifically for MongoDB. These resources can provide guidance on common issues, troubleshooting steps, and best practices for configuring and using the Glue Connector with MongoDB.

AWS Support: If the error persists and you're unable to resolve it using the available resources, consider reaching out to AWS Support for further assistance. They can help analyze the error logs and provide more targeted guidance for your specific scenario.

By following these steps and gathering more detailed error information, you'll have a better chance of identifying the root cause of the error and finding a solution.

answered a year ago

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