Account Sending Status shows as "disabled"


Dear Forum Members,

We received the following message from AWS support for Amazon SES:

The Account Sending Status shows as "disabled", which could be the reason you are unable to send emails.

You may change the account sending status on your console.

Here is the document that is outlined with the information on how to change the sending status: .

Can anybody please point us in the direction of where we can see this 'sending status' in our console?

When reading this link to change the status, it seems to be command line instructions and I don't believe that our Amazon SES account has the facility for command line instructions.

Is there another way how we can change the account sending status?

We use Amazon SES with Sendy:

Within Sendy, we simple set the SES region and at the same time we also set the same region within the Amazon SES console. Thereafter we can send from Sendy our newsletters.

We have been able to successfully send a test email from Sendy using the region we set.

Hence, we don't understand the message from Amazon support that our Account Sending Status shows as "disabled".

When we asked for clarification from Amazon support on this, no further help was forthcoming.

Can anybody advise us on this?

Your help is very much appreciated.

Kind regards,

Pairfum London

asked 3 years ago279 views
3 Answers

Dear Forum Members,

Since our post below, we received the following response from AWS support:

I have confirmed that your account is active and able to send email in the US East (N. Virginia) region. The Account Sending Status shows as "Enabled" at this time.

We suspect that it is the interaction between Sendy and AWS SES, i.e. Sendy changes the account status when a region is selected.

With kind regards,

Pairfum London

answered 3 years ago


answered 3 years ago


answered 3 years ago

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