Deployment of Amazon Linux 2 on Lightsail ECS is canceled


wanted to deploy the "Amazon Linux 2"-image ( on a Lightsail Container.

It takes a while and then the deployment is cancelled. This is the log output:

`[19/Aug/2022:12:07:25] [deployment:1] Creating your deployment

[19/Aug/2022:12:08:48] [deployment:1] Started 1 new node

[19/Aug/2022:12:09:57] [deployment:1] Started 1 new node

[19/Aug/2022:12:10:56] [deployment:1] Started 1 new node

[19/Aug/2022:12:11:23] [deployment:1] Canceled

Why is her starting three nodes? I have only one node.

This happens with other Linux-Distributions too, for e.g. Ubuntu-20.4. I have no idea why this is happening. Any help is greatly appreciated.

Best Regards


asked 2 years ago283 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer


This seems to be a duplicate of your post

Don't hesitate to provide other details in case this is different issue.

profile pictureAWS
answered 2 years ago

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