How to Automate AMI Backups and Cross-Region Copying for Disaster Recovery of EC2 Windows Server


I'm currently managing an EC2 Windows server that runs MSSQL database, and I'm looking to set up an automated backup process. Here’s what I want to achieve:

  1. Weekly AMI Creation: I need to create an AMI backup of the server every Sunday.
  2. Cross-Region Copy: I want to automatically copy this AMI to another region for disaster recovery purposes. The backup should occur without rebooting the instance to avoid downtime.
  3. Retention Policy: I want to keep only the latest 5 AMIs. Once the 6th AMI is created and copied, the oldest one should be automatically deleted.

Could suggest the best tools or scripts for this or any other easy-to-implement options that can automate this entire process.

2 Answers
  1. Lambda & CloudWatch Automation: Using AWS Lambda functions triggered by CloudWatch Events is a powerful way to automate various tasks, including the creation of AMIs, copying them to another region, and enforcing retention policies. CloudWatch Events can be scheduled to run at specific times (e.g., every Sunday for weekly AMI creation) or in response to certain conditions (e.g., state changes in EC2 instances). Custom Logic: Each Lambda function can contain custom logic tailored to specific tasks. For example, one function could create an AMI, another could copy the AMI to a different region, and a third could manage the retention of AMIs.

  2. IAM Permissions Lambda Execution Role: The IAM role assumed by the Lambda function needs permissions to perform the required actions. This includes permissions to create AMIs, copy AMIs to another region, and manage EBS snapshots if you're also handling snapshot creation as part of your backup strategy. Policy Attachment: Attach a policy to the Lambda execution role that grants the necessary permissions. Be cautious with granting broad permissions; adhere to the principle of least privilege.

  3. Testing & Monitoring Thorough Testing: Before deploying your automation, thoroughly test each Lambda function individually and then together to ensure they work as expected. Mock data and scenarios can be useful for testing. Monitoring and Alerts: Utilize CloudWatch to monitor the execution of your Lambda functions and set up alarms for failures or exceptions. This helps in quickly identifying and addressing issues. Logging: Ensure that your Lambda functions log sufficient information for troubleshooting. CloudWatch Logs can store these logs, providing a record of function executions and any errors encountered.

profile pictureAWS
answered 16 days ago

To simplify the backup process, I recommend exploring AWS Backup. This service eliminates the need to maintain custom scripts and tools. AWS Backup can automate backing up and restoring EC2 instances as AMIs, protecting all attached volumes. For Windows instances, AWS Backup enables VSS-based backups to create application consistent copies. Here is a quick tutorial and documentation for your reference -

Amazon EC2 Backup and Restore Using AWS Backup

Create Windows VSS backups

Creating backup copies across AWS Regions

Backup rules can be scheduled to define backup frequencies and retention periods without the need for automation scripts. For cross-region and cross-account copies, a copy should first be maintained in the source region/account. Then, the copy job from AWS backup can be leveraged to maintain backups in other regions. Please accept the answer if this helps address your backup requirements.

answered 16 days ago

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