I Can't stop my VPC billing for Amazon Virtual Private Cloud Public IPv4 Addresses


when i checked amazon-vpc-report it started showing from 20/07/2024 and there are only 2 types on Operations**[RunInstances, DescribeNetworkInterfaces]**.

I deleted all instances, elastic IPs.., and everything that is given in posts, I even deleted the default VPC for my area. but still... it's getting billed.

billing aera EC2 dashboard for my area Global view

asked a month ago129 views
2 Answers


Please make sure that no public IPv4 addresses remain in your AWS account by following the steps introduced in the blog below.

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answered a month ago
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reviewed a month ago

If you have accrued these charges in the month already (because you had Elastic IPs before), this will not disappear from your bill. The on-demand billing works hourly, so whichever charges you accrued throughout the month will stay. If you deleted the resources, make sure that you don't accrue any additional further charges going forward (if you deleted everything - you shouldn't).

profile pictureAWS
answered a month ago

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