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AWS Transfer Family SFTP Shared Folder Between Users


Hello, I'm using AWS Transfer Family SFTP, currently trying to setup a single folder in S3 that will allow multiple users to access it as their home directory for example Reports. When I tried to log into SFTP, I'm receiving "Read Denied Permission" message without the option to upload the directory. When I create the account without the shared folder and just use the user name as the home directory no issue. Is this possible to setup in AWS SFTP?

asked 2 months ago45 views
1 Answer

Yes, it is possible to set up a shared folder in AWS Transfer Family SFTP. The "Read Denied Permission" issue typically occurs due to incorrect S3 bucket permissions or IAM role configuration. To allow multiple users to access the same folder, ensure the IAM role associated with the SFTP user has the correct S3 permissions (e.g., s3:GetObject, s3:PutObject, etc.) for the shared folder. You can also use the homeDirectoryMappings parameter in the user configuration to point multiple users to the same S3 folder, like "Reports," as their home directory.

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answered 2 months ago

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