About Mysql RDS audit


Good afternoon.

Is there an easy way to audit DML and DDL in MYSQL 5.7?

I know Oracle and SQLSERVER but I haven't found an easy way to implement this in the database.

2 Answers
Accepted Answer


According to AWS documentation, you can use the MariaDB Audit Plugin for MySQL that records database activity (including DCL, DDL and DML query events) and is compatible with all MySQL 5.7 versions.

Take a look at the following Knowledge Center article which describes how to configure it.

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answered a year ago
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reviewed a year ago
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reviewed a year ago

Hi Mikel

hunn, I read this material but in my case dude is the my database is MySQL Community, 5.7 ....the parameters its different .

answered a year ago
  • Are you using Amazon RDS for MySQL?

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