How to integrate AWS WAF Captcha in vuejs?


I'm trying to integrate aws captcha to my login screen.

the captcha renders, user completes puzzle and verify api is called successfully.

but how do I get the success status after puzzle completed

AwsWafCaptcha.renderCaptcha(container, {
      apiKey: "ApiKeyHere",
      onSuccess: captchaExampleSuccessFunction,
      onError: captchaExampleErrorFunction

captchaExampleSuccessFunction(wafToken) {

I need to call captchaVerifiedFn() after user completes puzzle.

Any help would be appreciated.I need to call captchaVerifiedFn() after user completes puzzle.

Any help would be appreciated.

asked a year ago696 views
1 Answer
profile pictureAWS
answered a year ago
  • Hi Didier, thanks for the response, I've implemented same as in the first link, but this "onSuccess: captchaExampleSuccessFunction" is only executing after rendering the captcha not after solving the puzzle.

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