EKS multi subnet communication


Hello, I would like to deploy an EKS cluster on private and public in order to expose some services to internet. In my organisation, communication between components in private subnets and public one are managed by firewall rules. If I deploy my cluster and nodes to private subnet everything is ok but if I add public subnet to my control plan for being able to deploy ALB then EKS change nodes status to unknown. I guess it's because communication between private and public subnets are blocked by my internal firewall. In order to create firewall request , i would like to know what are the network traffic I need to allow between subnet for having ready nodes status ? Rgds.

asked 24 days ago448 views
2 Answers
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answered 24 days ago
profile pictureAWS
reviewed 23 days ago

Basically you need to check logs(Kubelet) and communication between worker nodes and control plane. This is reason that cause the node in node ready state.

Please check following guides to troubleshoot this issues.



answered 23 days ago

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