Abt. RDS planned lifecycle event


Hello there, hope everyone is doing well.

We have a planned lifecycle event coming up that will have an impact on 2 RDS instances. We wanted to know if there would be any issues with this update. Will there be a major change that will affect our users, or will we lose anything?

If not, I will happily update before the deadline of August 22nd.

Regards. Thank you.

  • There could be. It's probably a good idea to plan ahead.

asked 7 months ago485 views
1 Answer

The planned Lifecycle event for an RDS instance will be related to end of support for software version, in these scenario it is important to consider recommendation based on the specific RDS instance engine version you are currently running and to the version the RDS instance can be upgraded to. You can refer Upgrading a DB instance engine version for information on engine specific considerations.

Hope it helps and if it does, I would appreciate if answer can be accepted so that community can benefit for clarity when searching for similar enquirers in Repost, thank you ;)

answered 7 months ago

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