Woocommerce site


Hi everyone if anyone can help me I have got ecommerce website built on woocommerce platform with 40000 products.

What plan I should take in AWS to have good speed in my website

Pls help Thank you everyone

asked a year ago263 views
2 Answers

Hi - It would require a detailed requirements gathering and other details to plan. May some of these can be helpful to get started.

  1. Migration Preparation and Business Planning
  2. Portfolio Discovery and Planning
  3. Designing, Migrating, and Validating Applications

You can also visit https://aws.amazon.com/solutions/retail/e-commerce-migration/ to see some of the patterns on different platform.

You can always with your account team

profile pictureAWS
answered a year ago

Hi There

There are a few things you can do to improve performance and reliability including auto-scaling and using a CDN.

Since Woocommerce is built on Wordpress, please take a look at Best Practices for WordPress on AWS which will give you a reference architecture and lots of great info for building a reliable and scalable WordPress site.

profile pictureAWS
answered a year ago

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