Lambda function directory structure implementation


Hey, community! I am new in AWS and I am trying to implement a lambda function with its dependencies. I am stuck. Please, guide me how to create the directory structure correctly and upload .zip to AWS portal, deploy and see the lambda function working. Here are my files. In spelling_correction is used, in which wiki_fa_80k.vocab is used. Guide me to structure them including dependencies that they use.

asked 9 months ago583 views
1 Answer


I think it is a good idea to upload files that can be installed with pip, such as "boto3", as a layer as described in the document below.

Other classes such as "spelling_correction" are probably unique classes created in Python, so I think you can use them for now by uploading them together with "" in a zip file.

Once you get used to operating AWS, I recommend using IaC such as AWS SAM.

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answered 9 months ago

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